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Board of Education

Check out the other various Board, Committee and Commission members.
Name Address Expires Phone
Grundy, Nate E9155 Ebony Rose Ln 2027 (912)-346-5959
Grossman, Mark (Treasurer) E9392 Forest Pine Drive 2027 (920)-850-2005
Batten, Katie (Clerk) E9185 Lyons Road 2027 (920)-858-0963
Heidman, John (Vice President) N6642 Cty. Rd. D 2026 (715)-752-3863
Martinson, Chris (President) 1709 Smith Street 2026 (920)-878-1188
Wilz, Mandy 521 E. Quincy Street 2025 (920)-538-5579
Schweitzer, Holly W10344 Schweitzer Road 2025 (920)-422-1224